Friday 25 June 2010

Birthday Bags

As promised, here is what I have made my twin sisters for their 21st birthday...
From Birthday Bags

I am so pleased with how they have turned out, despite the fact I was still sewing them the morning of their birthday!
The black and yellow bag is from the Amy Butler Weekender Bag pattern. I bought this pattern ages ago and have been dying to make it but just hadn't found the right material. When I found the retro looking Malena fabric from Ikea I knew it would be absolutely perfect and it goes so well with the sunshine yellow trim, handles and lining.
From Amy Butler Weekender Bag

I never could have imagined how long this bag would take to make and how difficult parts of it were. There are so many layers to sew through and sewing piping round curved corners was a nightmare. I never broke a needle once though and it only started to blunt towards the end, I am so proud of my little sewing machine! I have already forgotten the pain of stabbing my self with pins several thousand times and can't wait to make this bag again, this time for myself. I just have to find the perfect fabric.

The nautical bag was a pattern design I drafted myself, using this gorgeous EZ Canvas Bag from Kinies as my inspiration. Although this was a simpler design than the Weekender Bag, working out the measurements and the design of the bag meant that it took just as long to make and is just as beautiful (if I do say so myself). I love this summery design and will definitely make it again (if I can remember how!)
From Birthday Bags

More pictures of the finished bags and the Amy Butler Weekender Bag in progress can be found on my Picasa page.

Friday 18 June 2010

All quiet on the blog front

I'm not very good at this whole blogging thing, I keep telling myself I'm too busy to write things down but truth is I just forgot or am lazy with it. However, while I haven't been blogging, I have been extremely busy with all sorts of creating and making!

First off I decided to try my hand at print making. I got a beautiful book for my birthday called Printing By Hand by Lena Corwin which is amazing. It covers block printing, stencilling and screen printing. I have done screen printing in the past at college but haven't quite got the space or supplies at home to give it a go yet, so I decided to start with block printing instead. I had somehow got it into my head that I wanted to create a wood block for printing my tomato silhouette which was so much more difficult and time consuming than I could ever have imagined. I used an old wood scrap from the garage and a dremel to "carve" the shape. The actual wood block looks great, I wish it printed as good as it looked. Maybe I need to use something other than paint to print with, ink maybe... Any suggestions?

Anyhow, since carving wood blocks proved a nightmare I have decided to use foam instead. Cutting foam into the required shape and gluing it onto a backing is soooooooo much easier and prints so much better too. I've been printing little bits of fabric with fabric paint and would love to do something more extravagant, having been inspired by the beautiful block prints of Galbraith & Paul but I have been distracted by bigger projects...

Numero one: I have been asked to make a wedding dress!!! Eeeek! Since finishing a short part time dressmaking course at the local uni, I am blatantly now a supreme expert on creating amazing pieces of couture for the most important day of peoples lives... Not. But I am more than willing to give it a go. More on that in a later post.

Numero two: My twin sisters are turning 21 this weekend, so instead of buying them meaningless gifts I have decided to make them presents that hopefully they will actually like and be more personal than yet another silver key. I can't say too much about it since they will probably read this but I will post the finished goods next week!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Craft's on hold

This weekend was definately not as productive as the last in terms of craft. The weather was so nice for a change, I spent the entire time in the garden, tidying it up after the winter months. Since I live in a rented house, I can't really make the garden my own, nor do I want to spend time and money on something which I will only be able to enjoy until I have to eventually move out so I have been focusing most of my efforts on clearing weeds out of a bed so I can plant vegetables in it. Most of my veg is in pots so it's easy to move into the greenhouse if frost is forecast but there a few things I will be plating out when they are big and strong enough, mainly pumpkins and courgettes. I really can not wait to have my own garden to look after and fill with fruit, veg, herbs and wildflowers... I've spent far too much time watching Alys Fowler on The Edible Garden!

Friday 7 May 2010

May Bank Holiday Weekend

So last weekend was a bank holiday, which meant three days to make the most of crafting instead of the standard two. Coupled with the fact that the weather was awful and my house mate being away for the week, I felt no guilt at all in taking over the kitchen table for an entire three days with sketch books, pens, pencils, paints and my sewing machine. As a result, I have had a massively productive weekend and have finally kick started my creative drive.
I started by digging out a patchwork quilt I started about a year ago and then forgot about.
From May Bank Holiday Weekend

The colour theme for it is pinks and greens and I got most of the fabric either from my Gran or from sending away for "free samples" from fabric companies. Sneaky, I know, but it's a great way to find out simply and cheaply, what looks good and what doesn't. I haven't done a lot to it but I made a few extra squares to add to the mix.
From May Bank Holiday Weekend

I also got my sketch book out for the first time in ages, to draw some of the plants I have around the house. My orchid which was this year's Valentine's present, a birdseye view of a succulent and one of my many many tomato plants.
From May Bank Holiday Weekend

From May Bank Holiday Weekend

From May Bank Holiday Weekend

I'm really pleased with the tomato plant silhouette and think would make a brilliant print, I might try my hand at carving a wooden block stamp next weekend and see how it turns out.
I love my little tomato plants. This is the first year we have tried growing our own veg and when we planted our first batch of seeds, I was a little overzealous and planted the whole packet, not considering how many plants we would actually end up with. So now we have around thirty rapidly growing tomato plants and limited space... Does anyone like tomatoes?

Monday 26 April 2010

New Camera!

After many months of discussion and research and to-ing and fro-ing I have finally decided to invest in a DSLR camera! A Canon EOS 450D to be exact. I love to take photographs and up until now have only ever had point and shoot digital compacts so it is very exciting to have something that I can creatively control and hopefully get some amazing shots with. I just need to learn how to use it now!

Saturday 24 April 2010


So here it goes, my first ever blog...
I've recently finished a fashion design short course at Robert Gordon Uni in Aberdeen which has inspired me to get back into crafts, since I haven't done much in the way of art since A-levels. I have always loved creating things and have been told continuously that I should sell my creations, but I just haven't got round to doing anything about it. Truth be told, I don't have an enormous amount of time to create things since working full time, so I am hoping that blog will give me a kick up the bum to get my creative juices flowing and eventually be able to stock a shop on Etsy!!!

Here is the dress I created for my final exhibition on my fashion design course...

From Bolita Designs